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After two months suspension period, coursed by Covid 19 pandemia,  Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU ) continue implementation of the planned activities, as follow:

  • Organization of the training for young people on ML with involvement of the UNI Junior TSU (; )  and the Ministry of the Science and Education  in order to lead awareness-raising campaigns in coastal areas  through publicity, promotion and dissemination   of the results of  RedMarLitter BSB552 project;
  • Prepare and publish the Methodology elaborated within the GA 3 – Development of Guidelines and Methodology of the project RedMarLitter BSB552;
  • Promote the video of the project with Georgian subtitles through wide range of media ensuring greater visibility of the project and its results.
  • Paying the tribute to the effective instrument introduced by EU, in particular, Black Sea Synergy Initiative, other EU regional projects and programmes ( e.g. EMBLAS Plus, “Blueing the Black Sea Program (BBSEA)) linked to the RedMarLitter’s similar problems and topics, will be involved  in order to tackle marine pollution and catalyze Blue Economy investments in the Black Sea region together with knowledge exchange and harmonize the waste management system of the country with the European system.

The fundamental methodology,that has been using from the beginning of the beach litter surveys from the year of 2015 up to 2020 in the Black Sea coastal area of Georgia is based on the “Guidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas. JRC Scientific and Policy Report EUR 26113”. At present, after elaboration of the detailed and very useful Methodology within RedMarLitter BSB552 project ( under supervision of MUN of City of Burgas), TSU is going to prepare the guideline basing on both methodological issues  with the purpose to offer it to the country authorities as basic methodology for national monitoring programme on marine litter in Georgia.

One of the important issues, that the new methodology offers and will be underlined in our activities is the modern approach to the problem of “hotspots” – the certain areas, where the level of pollution can “potentially affect human health, ecosystems, biodiversity and economy in a significant manner”.

In this regard, TSU has been leading observations of the shore sections in the coastal area where no cleaning measures are accomplished. These sections were assessed as “hotspots” ( Figure 1 ) due to the following reasons: very large masses of waste accumulate in such places, including natural waste: timber, vegetation, biomass from agricultural plots and artificial materials: textile waste, leather and plastic  remains, wood products, as well as waste of glass, ceramics, building materials, pharmaceutical etc.

The main beneficiaries will be the municipalities, as the main responsible local authorities for managing their maritime territories, as well as the results will be actively disseminated through trainings and workshops among youth audience, because, as it stated in the “Methodology for identification of hotspots and Litter reduction measures” …. Children and young people are a key target group to involve in activities that aim to sensitize the public about the issue of marine litter, not only because they are the next generation of decision makers but also because they have the capacity to inform and influence others in their 35 immediate environment. Educational structures, both formal and informal, have a very important role in educating children and young people, as do civil society organizations”.

Kakhaber Bilashvili- TSU

Figure 1

Last Updated on 15 May, 2021

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