In the countries around the Black Sea basin, preparations for the new period 2021-2027 of the Interreg Next Black Sea Basin Program 2021-2027 continue and all are currently waiting for the announcement of the first steps on the thematic content of the program strategy.
The consultation process, which is open from 11 January 2021 to 12 February 2021, is moderated by TESIM, which provides methodological support for all INTERREG programs – and includes online provision of information on territorial analysis and policy, Interreg and the specific objectives considered important for receiving support.
The event for Bulgaria was organized on 03.02.2021 by the national coordinator of the program, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and was led by TESIM. The consultation was conducted online in English. Representatives of the Managing Authority, the Ministry of Regional Development of Romania and the members of the working group for Bulgaria participated.
The meeting aroused great interest, which was justified, because the participants received general information about the upcoming period 2021-2027 and were encouraged to continue and expand cooperation in the regions on both sides of the common borders to address common challenges in the environment, public health, safety and security, and to create better conditions for the mobility of people, goods and capital.
Last Updated on 3 February, 2021