On June 5, 2019, the World Environment Day, the Black Sea Basin Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Water organized an Information Meeting to raise awareness of the consequences for the marine environment caused by marine waste at the Black Sea Hotel in the city of Varna.
It was attended by experts from IO-BAS, MOEW, Green Balkans NGO and Via Pontica Foundation and representatives of the business sector, as well as the general public.
The Coordinator of the project “Innovative Techniques and Methods for Reducing Marine Litter in the Black Sea Coastal Areas”, priority 2.2. “Awareness Raising and Joint Actions for Reducing River and Marine Litter, Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2014-2020”, Ana Yancheva, from the Via Pontica Foundation presented the progress and the expected results of the actions undertaken by the Via Pontica Foundation together with the Burgas Municipality partner on the Measure 5 of the Marine Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria.
She announced that alongside the main activities of the Project, in support of the targeted policy to reduce the pollution of the Black Sea and coastal regions, the Via Pontica Foundation and the Municipality of Burgas regularly organize educational campaigns and seminars for children, students, and the general public to promote and popularize the pollution prevention activities and to clean beach / coastlines through volunteer participation and production of information materials (posters, brochures, leaflets, etc.) and distribution videos through the redmarlitter.eu, viapontica.org and mass media websites.
Measure No 5 concerns the coordinated organization / support of annual business awareness campaigns (merchants, beach concessionaires, beach service users, fishermen, etc.) and the public (tourists, students, children, etc.), with regard to the consequences for the marine environment caused by marine litter and the need for their recycling.
The Green Balkans NGO presented the project ” CeNoBS – Support MSFD implementation in the Black Sea through establishing a regional monitoring system of cetaceans (D1) and noise monitoring (D11) for achieving GES, launched at the beginning of this year and united the efforts of partners from Bulgaria, Monaco, Romania, Ukraine and Turkey.
The Institute of Oceanology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IS-BAS) announced the results and the forthcoming tasks of the project ” Environmental Protection of Areas Surrounding Ports using Innovative Learning Tools for Legislation – ECOPORTIL, which is about to end October this year. The leading partner of the project is the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Greece, and partners are: Port Infrastructure DP, Bulgaria, University of the Aegean, Greece, National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, Maritime Institute of the Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus and Transport Institute, Albania.
The ANEMONE project – “Assessing the vulnerability of the Black Sea marine ecosystem to human pressures”, run by the National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”, Romania – Project Coordinator, NGO Mare Nostrum, Romania, Institute of Oceanology – BAS, Bulgaria, Turkey Scientific and Technological Research Council – Marmara Research Center, Turkish Maritime Research Foundation, Turkey and Ukrainian Science Center for the Ecology of the Sea, Ukraine, was provided with information about its objectives and activities.
The themes have caused many comments and have led to a heated discussion on the raising awareness and promoting action to protect the Black Sea.
Last Updated on 27 July, 2021